Thursday, February 9, 2012

What is biochemistry? How does it differ from the fields of genetics, biology, chemistry, and molecular biology?

Biochemistry is a very diverse field. It is very important for people to have an understanding of biochemistry if they want to be well versed in life sciences. Biochemistry takes what you know from other fields of science including: Genetics, Biology, Chemistry, and Molecular Biology and it ties them all together. Biochemistry is one of the only fields that can show the relationship all these fields have to each other. The main purpose of biochem is to show people the big picture. Biology and molecular biology aim to show how life works. The processes living creatures use to survive and evolve. Chemistry shows processes and reactions that are found in many living creatures. Chemistry deals with many things on a molecular level. Genetics aims to show how traits and features are carried through generations and why. Biochemistry is the perfect subject to not only widen understanding of all of the mentions areas, but to connect them all to each other.

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