Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Find a protein using PDB explorer- Describe your protein, including what disease state or other real world application it has

For this entry I chose the p53 tumor suppressor. This is an incredibly interesting molecule and it is very vital to our survival. The p53 tumor suppressor is actually composed of four identical protein chains. This makes p53 flexible and, in turn, difficult to study. Therefore p53 is studied in parts. The flexible chains are often removed and the center is investigated. The function of p53 tumor suppressor, as it says in the name, is to reduce and halt uncontrolled cell growth. Normal cells have regulatory elements the control the growth and replication of the cell. If a cell is damaged, and these regulatory elements are altered or destroyed, then the cell can grow and divide at a rapid, uncontrolled pace. This will eventually cause a tumor. The job of p53 is to bind to regulatory sites in our genome and initiate production of the halt cell division until the damaged cell is repaired. However, some cells are too damaged to repair. In these cases p53 will induce apoptosis in those cells, causing them to die.

When it comes to diseases, p53 plays a big role in protecting us from cancer. Cancer is essentially uncontrolled growth and replication of cells, p53 can fight against that. Mutations in p53, that prevent it from doing its job correctly, account for about half of the cases of cancer found in humans.


  1. I had never heard of the p53 protein which surprised me because its clearly so important to our survival. Its interesting that it helps control the growth and replication of cancer cells because this gives a basis for finding a cure. I think this is very educational and insightful information that should be more well known and this blog gave a great overview of p53.

  2. I agree completely, that is really the main reason why i chose p53. It was unbelievable to me that knowledge of p53 wasnt everywhere because it seemed like such a huge deal.
